Calculate Car Trip (2021)

What is this all about?

I like to travel around my country with my friends, but I was tired to always calculate the cost of trip. So I decided to create a simple web app to automate things. You have to choose a car you travel (from 43,000 records), choose starting point and destination. Then you can add passengers.
When you click 'Calculate' you will be redirected to page with results.


The program code was written in Python with Flask.
You can take a look at the code here.


You can check the live app here. It's deployed on Heroku.

So what have I learned?

  • I learned about developing web pages with Flask.
  • I learned about handling database with around 43,000 records.
  • I learned how to integrate database using SQLAlchemy.
  • I learned how to deploy web app using Heroku.